You can change your life…
Therapy for children, teens, and adults in
Arkansas and Florida, online and in-person
I don’t know how to deal with my child
Confused, sad, angry, afraid.
There are answers. We’ll begin to put the pieces together.
My life is (fill in the blank … miserable, hopeless, frightening)
We’ll help you. We have worked with thousands of clients to make these changes.
My marriage is on life support
It may seem hopeless, but it’s not if you still care about each other.
Transforming to a new marriage – marriage 2.0 will be the goal.

Desire turned into results
The pain in your life can be a gift.
It can provide the fuel that propels progress.
The cost of nothing
What is the cost of doing nothing?
More of the same.
Another day of feeling disconnected, worthless, unmotivated, miserable, hopeless.
But how can I change myself?
Change may seem overwhelming to consider, or one area of your life may be where change is needed.
The solution lies in tapping into your motivation to change.

Reach out
Together, we’ll begin a journey of changing your life.
You CAN change your life – and we can help.
Welcome to
Edgar-Gray Counseling
A positive, meaningful experience with therapy
We want you to feel comfortable and welcome at our office. Many people have had bad experiences with larger agencies. They feel worse leaving a session than they did coming in.
We started Edgar-Gray Counseling to offer a positive, healing experience. It’s about your needs and how best to meet them, not what’s best for the agency and rigidly complying with a laundry list of policies.
We are experienced and good at what we do. We have worked with thousands of clients in our careers. We have helped create lasting change that seemed impossible at the start of therapy.
The true measure of success
About half of all new clients come from being recommended by people already working with us. Family members recommend other family members; co-workers share their success story; friends tell friends. The organic network developed by people who know we are an excellent choice for counseling is fantastic.